Looking Back
I remember before the 2005-06 school year even started, I asked the Tech. PLC to set up a blog as a means of communication and to document learning for the year. At first, I was overwhelmed by the resistance! I heard things like "What is the purpose? Who will read it? What do I put on it? and lots of How do I.....?"
I really just put this poll on my blog for fun, just because I saw someone else do it. But, I couldn't believe the outcome. As I thought back to all of the questions and the hesitation that our group showed about blogging, I laughed out loud as I realized that Blogging has been named the most valuable tech. tool of the year!
I "linked" a blog entry to the title of this post. It is an exhaustive list of reasons for teachers to blog. I think you will find it interesting.
Oh, and check the date the blog was posted - just when we thought we were getting somewhere!