New Poll for Everett PLC
This blog will address my thoughts about using technology with elementary students. Many elementary teachers are apprehensive to incorporate technology into the curriculum. My goal is to be an instrument of change in that area and to be an encouragement to my fellow Educators as they discover the many benefits of using technology in their classrooms.
One of my friends who is a technology trainer in another state wrote the following comment after reading my last blog...
Many of the Everett PLC technology focus group members have blogged about continuing our technology group next year. I hope this will be the case. I have been reading a lot of research articles about professional development models lately, and have come to realize many things about professional learning.
Prolonged engagement is particularly important when peer coaching is used to support technology integration (Bradshaw, 2002; Margerum-Leys & Marx, 2004) because it takes at least 3-5 years for teachers to become effective technology-using educators (Becker, 1994; Sheingold & Hadley, 1993). During this time the teacher progresses through a series of stages that begin with using technology as a curricular add-on or personal productivity tool and culminate with using technology as a tool to fundamentally alter teaching and learning pratices (Hooper & Rieber, 1995; Ringstaff, Sandholtz & Dwyer, 1997; Moersch, 1995).
I love using Comic Life, but I haven't been sure about finding a good sequence of lessons and activities leading up to comic life. It's a great evaluation tool, and it can be used to show how students have learned curriculum content, but it seems there needs to be a step to teach students about dialogue...the whole point of comic life!
I just finished TEACHING my technology-enhanced curriculum unit. The unit is called "What do you want to be when you grow up?" It focuses on careers and community helpers. I wanted to write this unit because I have noticed that often, under-privileged children, like many of the children I work with can't tell you what they want to be when they grow up. I think that it is important for kids to dream and start working on life-long goals, even at an early age. I really think there's something to it - a correlation between this phenomenon that I have witnessed and the perpetual effects of poverty - a discussion for another time!
My friend Cody shared a research article with me titled "What Happens When Teachers Design Educational Technology? The Development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge" (The article is linked to the title of this post).
I was able to use some of my money from doing home visits to get an iPod Shuffle for classroom use (thank you, Roger)!
Starting my Theme Unit: Kindergarten Careers/Community Helpers